Guidelines for Scientific Committees

I. Formation of Research Groups

1. Article 14 of the GTFCh's statutes makes provision for creating special research groups for individual tasks.

2. The task and subject matter of the research group are set by the executive committee. Also, the general assembly may commission the executive committee to form a research group.

3. The formation and composition of a research group must be disclosed to the general assembly. The chairperson of a research group must report its actions to the general assembly.

4. To ensure that the work is performed effectively, the number of members in a research group should not exceed 20.

II. Members of a Research Group

1. The members of the research groups must be members of the GTFCh. Upon the approval of the research group, the chairperson may also invite guests.

2. The members of a research group are personally specified. They may – if prevented form participating – be represented by fellow professionals in exceptional cases.

3. The research group makes its own decisions concerning new members. The executive committee may propose new members.

4. The members of the research group must possess pertinent knowledge concerning the task in hand.

5. The members should come from as many subareas as possible.

6. Members who are no longer active in their area of expertise, or who have retired, must surrender their position in the research group.

7. In controversial cases, the executive committee decides on the acceptance of members into or exclusion of members from the research group.

III. Organisation of the Research Group 

1. The research group is directed by a chairperson, and by his/her deputy if prevented from participation. A secretary is responsible for recording the minutes.

2. The research group elects its chairperson and his/her deputy and secretary, who hold office for 2 years. Re-election is possible. These elections require the approval of the executive committee. They must be disclosed to the general assembly.

3. Passing of resolutions is performed by simple majority of all members of the research group.

4. The membership in a research group is unsalaried. Travelling costs are not reimbursed by the GTFCh. In exceptional cases, the executive committee can provide financial support.

IV. Research Group Meetings 

1. In general, the research group holds 1–2 meetings per year.

2. The meetings are prepared by the chairperson and the members receive the invitation and agenda as soon as possible. A copy of the invitation is sent to the president of the GTFCh and also to the member of the executive committee responsible for the research group.

3. the proceedings and resolutions must be recorded. Copies of the minutes are to be sent to the president of the GTFCh, the member of the executive committee responsible for the research group and to the secretary of "TOXICHEM + KRIMTECH".

4. The minutes are published in a suitable form in "TOXICHEM + KRIMTECH".

5. The executive committee members are entitled to take part in the meetings of the research groups as guests without the right to vote.

V. Disbandment of a Research Group

If the necessity no longer exists, or insurmountable problems are encountered, the executive committee can disband the research group.

The guidelines were approved by the executive committee of the GTFCh on 14.07.96 and came into immediate effect.

(In any case of doubt, only the German version is legally binding)

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