Scientific Committee Analysis of Addictive Substances

The scientific committee deals with epidemiology and proof of modern and established narcotics.

Chairman: Dr. Wolf-Rainer Bork, Landeskriminalamt (Forensic Science Institute) Berlin


  • Dealing with questions concerning the analysis of addictive substances
  • Examination of analytical questions regarding proof of addictive substances in biological materials
  • Exchange of analytical data in the area of addictive substances
  • Exchange of interesting case data
  • Information on the epidemiology of upcoming addictive substances and correlation with cases in post-mortem toxicology
  • Information on the illegal drug market (distribution, purity, cutting agents)
  • Reciprocal information on regional ? interregional, and national ?international tendencies in the area of addictive substances
  • Further education


  • 2 meetings per year (1 x 2 days, 1 x 1 day)
  • Information on activities by publication of a brief version of the minutes in the GTFCh bulletin “Toxichem + Krimtech“


The scientific committee presently consists of 25 members
  • rom Germany and other European countries
  • from the State Departments of Criminal Investigation (Berlin, Duesseldorf, Erfurt, Hamburg, Hanover, Kiel, Magdeburg, Mainz, Munich, Stuttgart, Wiesbaden)
  • from forensic university institutions (Basel/CH, Frankfurt, Greifswald, Hamburg, Homburg/Saar, Cologne, Munich)
  • from chemical analytical authorities (Berlin)
  • from customs (ZPLA Munich)
  • from toxicological university institutions (Aachen, Luxemburg/L)
  • from a medical laboratory (Seibersdorf/A)
  • from an institute of justice (Den Haag/NL)


Chairman of the scientific committee

Dr. Wolf-Rainer Bork
LKA Berlin KT 41
Tempelhofer Damm 12
D-12101 Berlin

Vize Chairman

Dr. Folker Westphal
LKA Schleswig-Holstein
Abteilung 4 Kriminaltechnik
SG 432 Betaeubungsmittel/Toxikologie
Muehlenweg 166
D-24116 Kiel

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