Tagungsband zum XVIII. GTFCh–Symposium, 18.-20.04.2013 in Mosbach


Neue Methoden und neue Wirkstoffe - Auswirkungen auf die Forensische Chemie und Toxikologie

New Trechniques and New Drugs - Impact on Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology

Toxichem Krimtech
Jahrgang 37 · Band 80 · Special Issue · Seiten 215-390 (2013)

ISBN 978-3-00-043163-0



Realität des Alkohol- und Drogenkonsumenten aus Sicht der Rechtsprechung: Die Unterbringung in der Entziehungsanstalt nach §64 StGB und die Zuru?ckstellung der Strafvollstreckung nach §35 BtMG – Allgemeine Grundlagen
Bernd Weidig
LC-MS/MS of GHB in head hair and beard
Yvonne Hari, Stefan König, Alexandra Schröck, Patrizia Coro, Volker Auwärter, Annette Thierauf, Wolfgang Weinmann
Comprehensive systematic toxicological analysis of human body fluids by parallel LC/MS/MS and GC/MS analysis
Florian Pitterl, Sebastian Köb, Johanna Pitterle, Birthe Schubert, Kathrin Libiseller, Herbert Oberacher
Designerdrug 5-IT – a fatal case and analytical profiles of 5-IT and AMT
Jan Schäper, Folker Westphal, Susanna Fehn
A fatal case involving several synthetic cannabinoids
Nadine Schaefer, Benjamin Peters, Dietmar Bregel, Stefan Kneisel, Volker Auwärter, Peter H. Schmidt, Andreas H. Ewald
Postmortem blood and tissue concentrations of R- and S-enantiomers of methadone and its metabolite EDDP
Ricarda Jantos, Gisela Skopp
Practical considerations for reliable quantification in postmortem specimens
Birgit Reiter, Kurt Jiran, Thomas Stimpfl
A convenient method for Salvia divinorum analysis and attempt to explain different effects based on the origin
Victoria Spencer, Esra Ergin, Heike Wollersen, Nico Erdmann
Can we obtain information from urine about recent cannabis consumption in DUID cases?
Sarah Hangartner, Franz Dussy, Thomas Briellmann
Disaccharidnachweis im Urin: geeignete Markersubstanzen fu?r den intravenösen Substitutkonsum?
Hilke Jungen, Hilke Andresen- Streichert, Alexander Mueller, Stefanie Iwersen- Bergmann
Combined analysis of synthetic cannabinoids and other designer drugs
Marek Dziadosz, Jens-Peter Weller, Michael Klintschar, Jörg Teske
Fast, simple, and validated LC-HR-MS/MS assay for identification and quantification of drugs in human blood plasma often requested in context of brain death diagnosis
Markus R. Meyer, Andreas G. Helfer, Hans H. Maurer
Methoxetamine: Metabolism and detectability of a novel ketamine analog – studied by GC-MS, LC-MSn, and LC-HR-MSn
Markus R. Meyer, Martina Bach, Michael Bovens, Alain Turcant, Hans H. Maurer
Studies on the metabolism and detectability of the phenethylamine-derived designer drug 2C-P in rat and human urine using GC-MS, LC-MSn, and LC-HR-MS/MS
Markus R. Meyer, Tina Braun, Carina Wink, Alain Turcant, Hans H. Maurer
Studies on the metabolism and the detectability of 4-methyl-amphetamine and its isomers 2-methyl-amphetamine, and 3-methyl-amphetamine in rat urine using GC-MS, LC-MSn, and LC-HR-MSn
Jessica Welter, Markus R. Meyer, Pierce Kavanagh, Hans H. Maurer
APAAN – a new precursor substance for the illicit production of amphetamine
Lars Müller, Nathalie Martin, Thorsten Rößler, Michael Pütz
Forensic trace and comparative analysis related to clandestine amphetamine laboratories
Michael Pütz, Nathalie Martin, Nina Boxen, Jan Rittgen, Thorsten Rößler, Sabine Schneiders
Development of an LC-MS/MS approach for screening and identification of benzodiazepines, z-drugs, antidepressants, neuroleptics, PDE-5 inhibitors, opioids and new synthetic drugs in human hair and urine samples
Deborah Montenarh, Markus Hopf, Stefan Warth, Hans H. Maurer, Peter Schmidt, Andreas H. Ewald
Metabolism and toxicological detection of the new pyrrolidinophenone designer drug 3',4'-methylenedioxy-alpha-pyrrolidinobutyrophenone (MDPBP) in rat and human urine using GC-MS and LC-MSn
Markus R. Meyer, Sandra Mauer, Julia Dinger, Golo M. J. Meyer, Birgit Klein, Folker Westphal, Hans H. Maurer
Determination of warfare agents (nerve agents, blister agents, saxitoxin and ricin) in food, water and on materials and articles
Martin Weber, Holger Schulz
Verification of chemical warfare agent exposure in human samples
Paul W. Elsinghorst, Horst Thiermann, Marianne Koller
Trapping 'Spice': a comprehensive, automated LC-ion trap-MS screening approach for the detection of currently 38 synthetic cannabinoids in serum
Laura M. Huppertz, Stefan Kneisel, Volker Auwärter, Jürgen Kempf
Ein automatisiertes MSn-basiertes Screening Verfahren fu?r die klinische und forensische Toxikologie
Laura M. Huppertz, Susanne Vogt, Jürgen Kempf
Extensive automation of the SPE-GC/MS analysis of opiates, cocaine, their metabolites and methadone from serum and other matrices
Oliver Temme, Oliver Lerch, Gernot Brauers, Thomas Daldrup
N-Pentylindole: A marker for the detection of synthetic cannabinoids
Johannes Zagermann, Hellmut Mahler, Bauke H. Albada, Evelyn Pawlik
Ethanol concentrations in breath and blood of drunk drivers; results from hand-held breathalyzer devices vs. analysis of venous blood samples
Pirkko Kriikku, Lars Wilhelm, Stefan Jenckel, Janne Rintatalo, Jukka Hurme, Jan Kramer
Validation of an alcohol dehydrogenase method for forensic blood alcohol determination on Thermo Scientific Indiko analyzer and comparison with Technikon autoanalyzer
Marcel Grapp, Herbert Desel, Wolfgang Grellner
Alternative determination of BAC by means of 1H-NMR
Bernd W. Diehl, Elina Zailer
Quantification of the biogenic phenethylamine alkaloid hordenine by LC-MS/MS in beer
Gernot Brauers, Irina Steiner, Thomas Daldrup
A preliminary investigation on the influence of flavonoids on ethyl glucuronide formation
Nicole Schwab, Gisela Skopp
Analysis of morphine and codeine in dried blood on a carpet – a case report
Julia Krüger, Inge Herrle, Matthias Graw, Hans Sachs, Gabriele Roider
Three unusual cases of CO poisoning with each two victims
Heike Wollersen, Freidoon Erdmann, Reinhard B. Dettmeyer, Kayleigh Hennemann, Victoria Spencer
Abuse of pregabalin – results of the postmortem toxicology from 2010 to 2012
Stefanie Lottner-Nau, Birgit Övgu?er, Liane D. Paul, Matthias Graw, Hans Sachs, Gabriele Roider
Fatality after intake of methylone, MDMA and amphetamine: a case report
Andreas Bauer, Jutta Schöpfer, Hans Sachs, Matthias Graw, Gabriele Roider
Entdeckung zweier Leichname nach tödlicher Intoxikation durch orale Applikation von transdermalen Fentanylpflastern
Susanne Vogt, Volker Auwärter, Annette Thierauf
Regular cannabis users in road traffic – a result of insufficient monitoring?!
Elke Below, Britta Bockholdt, Giovanni Talarico
From palm to hair: transmissibility of methadone and its metabolite EDDP
Kerstin Boomgaarden-Brandes, Niels Tobias, John Koc, Hans Sachs, Bernd Mu?hlbauer
Influence of hair straightening on ethyl glucuronide content in hair
Luc Kirchen, Michel Yegles
Detection of illicit drugs in meconium to assess neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)
Volker Dangel, Rudolf Alkier, Manfred Möller
LC/MS/MS method of 6-MAM, morphine, morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G) and morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G) for quantitative analysis in serum
Susanne Lott, Frank Musshoff, Burkhard Madea
Quality control charts for internal quality control of forensic blood alcohol analysis
Georg Schmitt, Gisela Skopp
Auswertung von Ringversuchsdaten: Horwitz vs. DIN ISO 13528
Michael Herbold, Georg Schmitt, Gisela Skopp
A pragmatic approach to detect SPICE metabolites in urine with HPLC-MS/MS
Lars Kröner, Victoria C. Spencer
Studies on the metabolism and detectability of xylazine in rat and human urine using
Pharmacokinetics of GHB and detection window in serum and urine after single uptake of a low dose of GBL
Golo M.J. Meyer, Markus R. Meyer, Hans H. Maurer
Pharmacokinetics of GHB and detection window in serum and urine after single uptake of a low dose of GBL
Alexandra Schröck, Yvonne Hari, Stefan König, Thomas Wu?thrich, Volker Auwärter, Annette Thierauf, Wolfgang Weinmann
Autorenverzeichnis 383
Sachwortverzeichnis 385


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