Short-term and periodical technical assistance for forensic science in Algeria (31.10.2009)

Dear Colleagues, Please find the brief description for a very interesting and challenging forensic project for Algeria.



At present, clear Terms of References (ToR) cannot be delivered because of the very tight timeframe (date of request: 27.10.2009) and the roughly designed tender, which contents  rather vague descriptions of requirements. However, there are clear operational and technical goals to be achieved.

This assignment will especially suit experts who have worked in forensic departments, Forensic Science Services or Institutes (Departments of LKÄ etc.).

Deadline for submission of CVs and accreditation is end of next week (9/11), so if interested, please send in your updated CVs (taking on board the requirements of the project description) to the above E-mail address.

1.         Project Title:


2.    Experts Profile

The client requires the services of experts for training and coaching his own forensic staff.

In general, the expert must demonstrate expertise in the development and analysis of forensic practises and methods, to instruct the Algerian experts in the effective use of the recently installed forensic high-tech equipment (2008) and to train forensic analytical and certificate skills and methods.

Minimum requirements of the experts include a graduate degree in Forensic Science or a related technical science discipline, plus a minimum of ten years experience. Senior level experience in the handling/developing of analytical methods and databases, assessment of analytical methods, valuation of analysis techniques, detection of analysis source of trouble, development/initiation/implementation of specific databases, evaluation and utilisation of raw data, comprehensive knowledge of flawless judicial testimonial.

Excellent communication skills and evidence of superior analytical capabilities and writing skills are required. The consultant must also have an excellent capacity to work and communicate in English (mainly spoken English), French or Arabic would be of benefit, recent or soon retirement would be appreciated.

      3.    Requested Experts

Preliminary remark:  The partly vague formulated descriptions are taken from the original tender and certainly need further assessment by a briefing in Algeria.



The following category II experts (one expert requested per category) are required for this assignment

Expert 1:   Ballistics

Expert 2:  Computing and Electronic

Expert 3:   Fingerprinting

Expert 4:   Verification and Identification of vehicles

Expert 5:   Fire and explosion

Expert 6:   Micro traces

Expert 7 : Biology

Expert 8 : Toxicology

Expert 9:   Forensic medicine

Expert 10: Analysis of documents

            4.    Number of man-days per expert

The expert is expected to work four times a thirty (30) man-days over a total duration of one (1) year (2010/11), however, change of personnel will be possible.


5.    Location and Duration

The mobilization period is 30 calendar days from the award of contract.

The expected starting date is  April 2010.

The assignment is envisaged to be executed in 120 working days (5-days

week) over a period of twelve (12) months and be completed by spring 2011.

Each working period is foreseen  to be 6 weeks.

The assignment foresees an initial three-days briefing in Germany.

The in-country mission will take place in Algiers, Algeria. The expert will be provided with office space at the Institute.


            6.    Administrative Information

The reimbursable expenses foreseen for this assignment are expected at one hundred and fifty (150) Euro per working hour (45 minutes), eight (8) working hours a day, five (5) working days a week, generally in continuation for six (6) weeks,  four (4) times within 12 months. Free time on weekends are compensated by 50%. Overnight accommodation (comparable to 4–stars-hotels in the EU) and international travel (1 flight to and from Algiers for each 6-week working period) will be paid by the customer.




Uwe Kranz                          Peter Nolden

International Security Consultant        IPVF Ltd. Institut für internationale

Polizei- und

Ltd. Ministerialrat a.D.                       Verwaltungsfortbildung,  Sicherheitsberatung

+49 (0) 8591 939124                      +49 (0) 2204 61707

+49 (0) 151  15539022                    +49 (0) 179   5953657

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